Wartime Glory Strategy and War Game Wartime Glory Strategy and War Game Wartime Glory Strategy and War Game

New Tesla Coil Card!

Prepare for electrifying battles in your favorite war and strategy game with the introduction of the Tesla Coil Card—a revolutionary addition to your deck that will change the course of your campaigns. Step into the battlefield with a weapon of unparalleled precision and devastating impact, designed to shock your enemies into submission and bring their neighboring nations to their knees.

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The special cards make Wartime Glory unique. Cards are special powers you can use in each turn in exchange for energy. There are many of them and each one does something unique.

Air Strike

Air strike does damage from the air to a territory adjacent to yours.

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Air Transport

Transport troops between two allied territories on the map.

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Protect a territory from ground attacks for 1 turn.

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Place a hidden minefield that causes casualties to invaders.

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Provide extra troops in a territory.

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Provide extra defensive troops for 1 turn.

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Sabotage enemy supply lines to diminish their reinforcements.

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Transfer Territory

Transfer a territory to a team ally. 

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