Wartime Glory Strategy and War Game Wartime Glory Strategy and War Game Wartime Glory Strategy and War Game

You need troops to attack enemy countries, and to defend your territories.

In each round, a player will receive troops based on the following calculation:
Basic Troops = Territories / 2 
+ Region bonuses (continents) 
+ War production (card) 
+ Army reserve (card) 

In case a player is sabotaged, they will lose troops based on the following calculation:
After sabotage Troops = Basic Troops - Sabotage (card) * Basic Troops 

For ranked matches where there is a disparity in the league between the players, the lowest league players will receive extra troops (handicap).
Final troops = After sabotage Troops + Handicap 

How to place troops 

To deploy 1 troop tap on any of your territories. To deploy several troops do a long press on any of your territories and then select the amount of troops to deploy using the wheel:

War game risk attack